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Unwanted Vein/ Tattoo


Unwanted Vein/ Tattoo

Removing unwanted varicose veins / spider veins / tattoos on any part of the body without damaging the skin.


For many people, varicose veins and spider veins – a common, mild variation of varicose veins –  are a simply a cosmetic concern. For other people, varicose veins can cause aching pain and discomfort. Sometimes varicose veins lead to more serious problems.

Spider veins, also known as thread veins, are small, twisted blood vessels that appear in a spiderweb pattern along your skin, often on your legs or face. They are similar to varicose veins but smaller and caused in the same way as a one-way valve in your vein, that helps your blood flow back to your heart, stops working properly and your vein swells as blood flows the wrong way. 


Varicose veins can be hereditary, tending to run in families. They can be worse during or after pregnancy, or if you are overweight. While they can be uncomfortable and unsightly, they don’t usually cause any serious health problems.

The laser vein removal is safe because there are no side effects attached and it won’t damage the skin. There is no downtime after undergoing the treatment, so there will be no interruptions in your daily activities. 


Unwanted tattoos can be easily and safely removed gradually with a course of laser treatments. We use the latest and most advanced medical-grade laser technology to remove tattoo ink. These high-tech lasers use concentrated light beams which pass through the skin and break up the tattoo ink into tiny particles. Tattoos with multiple colours might require more specialized lasers, such as Pico laser that optimally target unwanted pigment for even faster results and less downtime. 

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